Fallout 4 Where to Get More Marine Armor Helmets

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Marine armor is a set of armor in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Characteristics
  • 3 Parts and armor mods
    • 3.1 Zealot's marine armor
    • 3.2 Assault marine armor
    • 3.3 Inquisitor's marine armor
  • 4 Variants
    • 4.1 Recon marine armor
  • 5 Locations
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 References


An advanced model of combat armor designed for the United States Marine Corps,[1] the Marine armor pulls no stops when it comes to providing protection for the user, above even that of the heavy combat armor. Outclassed only by power armor, every piece was designed to provide exceptional protection in nearly every battlefield scenario.[2]

Unlike the standard or polymer combat armor, this variant relies on a combination of hard and soft armor to provide protection. The torso assembly consists of a tactical vest from ballistic fiber covering the entire torso from the groin to the shoulders and neck, supplemented by tactical rigging combining hard ballistic armor with a powered survival system and a belt with four multipurpose pouches. Arms are protected by sleeves from the same ballistic fiber, combined with hard armor covering the shoulders, forearm and dorsal side of the hands. The hard armor is shaped to provide additional protection from the front when aiming and double as attachment points for additional carry pouches. The legs are protected in the same way, with the added benefit of thigh pouches and a pair of stabilizers on the shin. The helmet is derived from the standard combat armor variant, coming with a polarized visor, filtration mask and additional carry strap on the back of the head. Together, they combine to provide a heavy duty set of combat armor that covers almost the entire body in heavy armor, excepting necessary articulation points.[3]


Marine combat armor offers the highest base ballistic and energy resistance of any normal armor in the game, surpassed only by power armor and modified Heavy Nuka-World armor. It also has a very robust miscellaneous upgrade catalog, though only one protection upgrade, and if procuring the armor through the Best Left Forgotten quest, it's received maxed out.

Parts and armor mods

Contrary to all other armor sets, Marine armor versions are craftable modifications instead of fixed tiers and therefore quite similar to power armor upgrades. A set of zealot armor can be upgraded to assault armor or inquisitor armor at any armor workbench, provided that the player character meets the required Armorer and Science! perk ranks. Regardless of perk rank, both the assault helmet and the tactical helmet cannot be modified in any way.

Zealot's marine armor

Image Name Weight DMG Resist - Ballistic DMG Resist - Energy DMG Resist - Radiation Value Upgrade Components Perk Requirements Form ID
FO4 FH MarineArmor torso.png Zealot's marine armor chest piece 19 38 38 0 150 - - xx009E5B
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Zealot's marine armor right leg 10 18 18 0 115 - - xx009E5A
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Zealot's marine armor left leg 10 18 18 0 115 - - xx009E59
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Zealot's marine armor right arm 10 17 17 0 100 - - xx009E57
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Zealot's marine armor left arm 10 17 17 0 100 - - xx009E56
Total 59 108 108 0 580

Assault marine armor

Images Name Weight DMG Resist - Ballistic DMG Resist - Energy DMG Resist - Radiation Value Upgrade Components Perk Requirements Form ID
FO4 FH MarineArmor torso.png Assault marine armor chest piece 25 50 49 10 210 8x Adhesive
16x Cloth
24x Leather
24x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Assault marine armor right leg 14 23 23 10 175 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Assault marine armor left leg 14 23 23 10 175 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Assault marine armor right arm 14 22 22 10 140 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Assault marine armor left arm 14 22 22 10 140 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor helmet.png Assault marine armor helmet 14 19 19 10 90 - - xx056F7D
Total 95 159 158 60 930 24x Adhesive
48x Cloth
56x Leather
56x Steel

Inquisitor's marine armor

Image Name Weight DMG Resist - Ballistic DMG Resist - Energy DMG Resist - Radiation Value Upgrade Components Perk Requirements Form ID
FO4 FH MarineArmor torso.png Inquisitor's marine armor chest piece 25 49 50 10 210 8x Adhesive
16x Cloth
24x Leather
24x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Inquisitor's marine armor right leg 14 23 23 10 175 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor leg.png Inquisitor's marine armor left leg 14 23 23 10 175 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Inquisitor's marine armor right arm 14 22 22 10 140 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
FO4 FH MarineArmor arm.png Inquisitor's marine armor left arm 14 22 22 10 140 4x Adhesive
8x Cloth
8x Leather
8x Steel
Armorer 4
Science! 4
Total 81 139 140 50 840 24x Adhesive
48x Cloth
56x Leather
56x Steel


  • Atom's Bulwark - reward for completing Reformation or Cleansing the Land. It can spawn as a chest piece or any limb piece.
  • Marine wetsuit & tactical helmet

Recon marine armor

The specialized "Recon" Marine armor items are an almost complete set of legendary Marine armor versions, minus the legs. They can be purchased from various vendors around the island. Armor workbench upgrades can be applied as usual.

  • Recon Marine helmet (Cunning effect - +1 Agility and Perception): Purchased from Brooks in Far Harbor.
  • Recon Marine chest piece (Sentinel's effect - Reduces damage while standing and not moving by 15%): Purchased from Cog in Acadia.
  • Recon Marine right arm (Sprinter's effect - Increases wearer's movement speed by 10%): Purchased from Sister Mai in the Children of Atom base, the Nucleus.
  • Recon Marine left arm (Martyr's effect - Temporarily slows time during combat when the Sole Survivor's hit points are at 20% or less): Purchased from Kane in the Nucleus.


  • A complete set of Marine armor can be found scattered across three steamer trunks located in wrecked ships off the coast of Far Harbor. However, it can only be acquired after unlocking the fifth and last of DiMA's memories during the quest Best Left Forgotten. Doing so will start a miscellaneous quest to recover the armor pieces. The steamer trunks will only appear upon acquisition of this quest, thus making it impossible to claim the armor beforehand. All armor pieces are found in their Assault armor configuration (if applicable) and may spawn with random leveled modifications.
    • Both legs can be found due west of Haddock Cove in the southern end of the lower section of the sunken tug boat.
    • The chest, helmet, tactical helmet and the Marine wetsuit are located south by southwest of Rayburn Point in a sunken shipping container.
    • Both arms can be found due east of the Harbor Grand Hotel on the stern of a sunken ship.
  • The full zealot Marine armor set (minus the helmet) is available for purchase from Kane, the Children of Atom's armor vendor in the Nucleus, every time his store is replenished.
  • Several of the Children of Atom zealots in and around the Nucleus including Grand Zealot Richter wear incomplete sets with the zealot modification. None of these sets include a helmet.


  • Adding the ultra-light modification to the main body parts results in a weight of only 33.8, down from 81 normally. This makes the set much more viable for those with little carry weight to spare.
    • Applying the deep pocketed modification to all possible parts will result in the effective weight of the armor being 26.8 pounds - 7 pounds lighter compared to the ultra-light build, but lacking the extra 30 AP a full ultra-light set provides.
  • The unique Recon pieces are extremely expensive. Even with maximum Charisma and maxed-out Cap Collector and Junktown Vendor perks, each piece costs more than 10,000 caps (15,000+ for the Recon torso), making them the most expensive items in the game.
  • The model of the leg pieces appear to show boots attached to the armor but when worn, the armor just covers the legs without footwear.



  1. DiMA's Memory #5
  2. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Outclassed by only Power Armor, every piece of Marine Combat Armor provides exceptional protection in nearly every battlefield scenario."
  3. Armor appearance.


Far Harbor

Quests Main quests Far From Home · Walk in the Park · Where You Belong · Best Left Forgotten · The Way Life Should Be · Cleansing the Land · Reformation · Close to Home
Side quests Ablutions · Acadian Ideals · Blood Tide · Brain Dead · Data Recovery · Forbidden Knowledge · Hull Breach · Hunting the Hunter · Living on the Edge · Rite of Passage · Safe Passage · Search and Destroy · Shipbreaker · The Arrival · The Changing Tide · The Great Hunt · The Heretic · The Hold Out · The Price of Memory · The Trial of Brother Devin · Turn Back the Fog · Visions in the Fog · What Atom Requires · Witch Hunt
Achievements Cleansing the Land · Close to Home · Far From Home · Hooked · Just Add Saltwater · New England Vacationer · Push Back the Fog · The Islander's Almanac · The Way Life Should Be · Where You Belong
Locations The Island  · Acadia  · Aldersea Day Spa · Atom's Spring · Beaver Creek Lanes · Briney's Bait and Tackle · Brooke's Head Lighthouse · Children of Atom shrine · Cliff's Edge Hotel (Vault 118) · Cranberry Island (Bog · Docks · Supply shed) · Dalton farm · DiMA's cache · Eagle's Cove Tannery · Echo Lake Lumber · Eden Meadows Cinemas · Far Harbor (The Last Plank) · Fringe Cove docks · Glowing Grove · Haddock Cove · Harbor Grand Hotel · Horizon Flight 1207 · Huntress Island · Kitteredge Pass · Longfellow's cabin · MS Azalea  · Nakano residence · National Park campground · National Park visitor's center · National Park HQ · Northwood Ridge Quarry · Oceanarium · Old Pond House · Pine Crest Cavern · Radiant crest shrine · Rayburn Point · Rock Point camp · Ruined church · Ruined radio tower · Southwest Harbor · The Nucleus (Nucleus Command Center · The Vessel) · Vim! Pop factory · Waves Crest Orphanage · Wind farm maintenance · Zephyr Ridge Camp
Items Weapons Admiral's Friend · Atom's Judgement · Bear trap · Bleeding bear trap · Bloodletter · Butcher's Hook · Caltrops · December's Child · Defender's Harpoon Gun · Fencebuster · Harpoon gun · Kiloton radium rifle · Lever-action rifle · Lucky Eddy · Meat hook · Old Reliable · Poisoned caltrops · Pole hook · Radical Conversion · Radium rifle · Sergeant Ash · Skipper's Last Stand · The Fish Catcher · The Harvester · The Striker
Apparel Acadia's Shield · Atom's Bulwark · Black fisherman's overalls · Brown fisherman's overalls · Chase's uniform · Coastal armor · Fisherman's hat · Fisherman's outfit · Fisherman's overalls · Green fisherman's overalls · Grey fisherman's overalls · High Confessor's robes · Hunter's hood · Hunter's long coat · Hunter's pelt outfit · Inquisitor's cowl · Legend of the Harbor · Lobster trap helmet · Marine armor  · Marine wetsuit · Old fisherman's hat · Pirate hat · Robes of Atom's Devoted · Rescue diver suit · The Captain's Hat · The Dapper Gent · Trapper armor · Trapper leathers · Unyielding synth chest piece · Wool fisherman's cap · Vault 118 jumpsuit
Consumables Angler meat · Aster · Cave fungus · Ground mole rat ·Gulper innards · Ice cold Vim · Ice cold Vim Captain's Blend · Ice cold Vim Refresh · Ice cold Vim Quartz · Poached angler · Raw fog crawler meat · Seasoned rabbit skewers Vim · Vim Captain's Blend · Vim Refresh · Vim Quartz · Wolf meat
Holotapes An execution · Chores list · DiMA's memory · Ezra's holotape · Family announcement · Gwyneth's journal · Holotape · Husky family holotape · Kasumi's projects · Levi's holotape · Mark Wilson's holotape · Martin's New Age · Mysterious holotape · Safe room security tape · To Franny · Vault 118 overseer's log · What Atom Requires · What's Done is Done
Notes A New Path · A Safer Way · A Stranger Arrives · A Vengeful Creature · Aubert's note · Blank note · Brother Alders · Brother Devin's diary · Carlo's note · Cog's journal · Consultation note · Craneberry Island supplies note · Douglas's note · Drain corpse note · Dylan's note · Edgar's note · Eliza family drawing · Eliza journals · Eliza map of home · Fanatical writings · Fire Belly recipe · Gift card · Grandfather's note · High Confessor's note · Kasumi's journal · Kenji Nakano case notes · Last note from mom · Letter from Maxwell · Letter to Ezra · Love letter to Bridget · Mariner's goodbye · Mariner's will · Northwood Quarry notes · Note · Note from Atom's shrine · Old letter · Put it from your mind · Radioman's note · Repairs in progress · Report from PV · Request for detective · RUN! · Scrawled journal · Scrawled note · Sister Gwyneth's visit · Storage room notice · Taste test · The Children Trapped · The Sacred Elements · These mannequins! · To my "family" · Trapper's note · Unfinished note · Victoria's note · Ware's brew recipe · Wind turbine code
Misc items Condensed fog · Jug
Characters Acadia Aster · Brooks · Chase · Cog · Cole · Dejen · DiMA · Faraday · Jule · Kasumi Nakano · Miranda · Naveen
Children of Atom Brother Andrews Mentioned  · The Archemist · Sister Aubert · Brian Richter · Brother Devin · Brother Edgar Mentioned  · Sister Gwyneth · Brother Kane · Sister Mai · Confessor Martin Mentioned  · Mother of the Fog · High Confessor Tektus · Grand Zealot Theil · Zealot Ware
Harbormen Allen Lee · Andre Michaud · Cassie Dalton · Debby · Dottie · Howard Dunbar Dead  · Jared Gresham · Mitch · Old Longfellow · Olympia Avery · Sandra Lee · Small Bertha · Teddy Wright · The Mariner · Tink · Tony · Uncle Ken · Zachary Cut content
Trappers Bilge · Braun Husky Dead  · Bray Husky Dead  · Douglas · Luke Husky Dead  · Malcolm · Rowan Husky Dead
Vault 118 Bert Riggs · Ezra Parker · Gilda Broscoe · Julianna Riggs · Keith McKinney · Maxwell · Pearl · Santiago Avida · Scruffy · Spencer Lords Cut content
Other Boxer · Eliza Gibbons Mentioned  · Erickson · Frederick Gibbons · Grun · Kenji Nakano · Larsen · Machete Mike · Nathaniel Gibbons Cut content  · Nick Valentine · Patrick Gibbons · Rei Nakano · Steven Gibbons · William Moseley · Victoria Gibbons
Creatures Angler · Fog crawler · Gulper · Hermit crab · Wolf · Rad chicken · Rad rabbit
Factions Acadia · Church of the Children of Atom · Harbormen · Trappers
Perks Action Boy/Action Girl (rank 3) · Captain's Feast · Critical Banker (rank 4) · Crusader of Atom · Destroyer of Acadia · Far Harbor Survivalist · Hunter's Wisdom · Inquisitor of Atom · Islander's Alamanac · Lone Wanderer (rank 4) · Night Person (rank 3) · Protector of Acadia · Rad Resistant (rank 4) · Scrapper (rank 3) · Strong Back (rank 5)
Settlement Objects and Items Banner · Bottle lantern · Bulb lantern · Crate · Fish basket · Fish rack · Grill · Hanging buoy · Lobster cage · Sign · Tannery hides · Vim machine


Armor and clothing in Fallout 4

Power armor Power armor frame · Raider power armor · Overboss power armor Nuka-World (add-on)  · T-45 power armor · T-51 power armor (Nuka T-51 power armor Nuka-World (add-on) ) · T-60 power armor (Visionary's T-60c helmet  · Exemplar's T-60c  · Honor T-60 left leg) · X-01 power armor (Quantum X-01 power armor Nuka-World (add-on) ) · Piezonucleic power armor
Other armor Cage armor (helmeted) · Combat armor (Black Ops armor · Commando armor · Destroyer's armor · Overseer's armor) · DC guard armor · Disciples metal armor Nuka-World (add-on)  · Disciples strapped armor Nuka-World (add-on)  · Disciples wrapped armor Nuka-World (add-on)  · Leather armor (Mantis armor · Protector's armor · Wastelander's armor) · Marine armor Far Harbor (add-on)  · Metal armor (Devastator's armor · Apocalypse armor · Champion armor) · Operators armor Nuka-World (add-on) (Operators heavy armor) · Pack armor Nuka-World (add-on)  · Raider armor · Robot armor Automatron (add-on)  · Spike armor (helmeted) · Synth armor · Trapper armor Far Harbor (add-on)  · Vault-Tec security armor (Covenant security armor)
Outfits Army fatigues (dirty) · Athletic outfit · Baseball uniform · Bathrobe · Beaded blazer  · Black vest and slacks · Bomber jacket · Brotherhood fatigues · BOS uniform · Casual outfit · Checkered shirt and slacks · Child of Atom rags (long, long brown, long green, short, short brown, short green, simple, brown, green) · Cleanroom suit · Colonial duster · Corset  · Courser uniform · Drifter outfit · Engineer's armor (Teagan's armor) · Explorer outfit (Scavenger) · Farmhand clothes · Fatigues  · Feathered dress  · Field scribe's armor · Flannel shirt and jeans · Geneva's ensemble  · Greaser jacket and jeans (Atom Cats, Zeke's) · Green shirt and combat boots · Grognak costume  · Gunner flannel shirt and jeans · Gunner guard outfit · Gunner harness · Harness · Hazmat suit (damaged) · Hooded rags · Ingram's UnderArmor · Institute division head coat (black, blue, green, orange, yellow, dirty black, dirty blue, dirty green, dirty orange, dirty yellow) · Institute jumper (dirty) · Institute lab coat (black, blue, green, orange, yellow, dirty black, dirty blue, dirty green, dirty orange, dirty yellow) · Kellogg's outfit  · Lab coat (Cabot's, Father's, Vault-Tec) · Laundered dress (blue, cream, denim, green, rose, pink) · Laundered loungewear · Leather coat (Traveling leather coat) · Letterman's jacket and jeans (DB Tech varsity uniform) · Long johns · Longshoreman outfit · MacCready's duster  · Maxson's battlecoat  · Mechanic jumpsuit (green, Red Rocket) · Military fatigues · Minuteman outfit · Minutemen general's uniform  · Padded blue jacket · Pastor's vestments · Postman uniform (dirty) · Quinlan's armor  · Radstag hide outfit · Raider leathers · Railroad armored coat · Ratty skirt · Red dress · Red frock coat  · Red leather trench coat  · Road leathers · Science scribe's armor · Sequin dress (Agatha's dress) · Silver Shroud costume  · Submariner uniform  · Suit (black, blue, striped, tan, grey, patched, patched three-piece, Lorenzo's) · Summer shorts · Surveyor outfit (Reginald's suit) · Suspenders and slacks · Sweater vest and slacks (Covert sweater vest) · Synth uniform · Tattered field jacket · Tattered rags · T-shirt and slacks · Tuxedo · Undershirt & jeans · Utility coveralls · Vault jumpsuit · Winter jacket and jeans · Yellow trench coat (dirty, faded)
Full headwear BOS hood · Flight helmet (brown, red, yellow) · Gas mask (Assault gas mask, Gas mask with goggles) · Sack hood (with hoses, with straps) · Synth helmet (Synth field helmet) · Vault-Tec security helmet (Security helmet)
Hats Airship captain's hat · Army helmet (dirty) · Baseball cap · Battered fedora (crumpled, dirty, worn, yellow) · Blue battling helmet · Bowler hat (Triggerman bowler) · Coast Guard hat · Combat armor helmet (Commando helmet) · Faded visor · Field scribe's hat · Formal hat · Grandpa Savoldi's hat · Gray knit cap · Green hood · Green rag hat · Hard hat (Mining helmet) · Lieutenant's hat (Captain Ironsides' hat) · Lorenzo's Crown  · MacCready's hat  · Mascot head · Medical goggles · Metal helmet · Military cap · Militia hat · Minuteman hat · Minutemen general's hat  · Newsboy cap · Pompadour wig · Postman hat (dirty) · Press cap  · Sea captain's hat · Silver Shroud hat · Submariner hat · Tinker headgear  · Trilby hat · Ushanka hat · Welding helmet · Yellow slicker hat
Eyewear Black-rim glasses · Eyeglasses · Fashionable glasses · Liam's glasses · Patrolman sunglasses · Road goggles · Robotic bits · Sunglasses · Welding goggles · Wraparound goggles
Masks Blue bandana · Gunner's camo bandana (Gunner's green bandana) · Jangles bandana · Leopard print bandana · Red bandana · Skull bandana · Stars and Stripes bandana · Striped bandana · Surgical mask
Other Wedding ring · Pip-Boy · Dog apparel · Super mutant apparel · Child apparel
Automatron Automatron (add-on) Assaultron helmet · Eyebot helmet · Mechanist's armor and helmet · Robot armor · Sentry bot helmet · Tesla T-60 armor
Far Harbor Far Harbor (add-on) Acadia's Shield · Atom's Bulwark · Black fisherman's overalls · The Captain's Hat · Chase's uniform · Coastal armor · The Dapper Gent · Fisherman's hat · Fisherman's outfit · Fisherman's overalls (black, brown, green, grey, regular) · High Confessor's robes · Hunter's hood · Hunter's long coat · Hunter's pelt outfit · Inquisitor's cowl · Legend of the Harbor · Lobster trap helmet · Marine armor  · Marine wetsuit · Old fisherman's hat · Pirate hat · Rescue diver suit · Robes of Atom's Devoted · Trapper armor · Trapper leathers · Unyielding synth chest piece · Vault 118 jumpsuit · Wool fisherman's cap
Vault-Tec Workshop Vault-Tec Workshop Vault 88 Jumpsuit (Legend of Vault 88)
Nuka-World Nuka-World (add-on) Cappy shirt & jeans · Cowhide western outfit · Gage's armor  · Nuka-World geyser jacket & jeans · Nuka-World jacket & jeans · Nuka-World shirt & jeans · Ripped shirt & socks · Nuka T-51 power armor · Overboss power armor · Quantum X-01 power armor · Torn shirt & jeans · Torn shirt & ragged pants · Western duster · Western outfit · Western outfit & chaps · Wildman rags
Creation Club Creation Club Architect's winter jacket  · Armored Nuka-Cola outfit  · Armored Nuka-Cola Quantum outfit  · Captain Cosmos space suit  · Chinese stealth armor  · Detective coat  · DJ's outfit  · Doom Marine armor  · Graphic t-shirts  · Institute renegade outfit  · Iron helmet  · Mercenary outfits  · Modular military backpack  · Morgan's space suit  · Nuka-Cola t-shirt & cargo pants  · Nuka-Cola t-shirt & leather pants  · Nuka-Cola vest & jeans  · Pint-Sized Slasher costume  · Scavenger's Nuka-Cola outfit  · Shroud outfit  · Silver dress  · Silver wedding ring  · Slocum's Joe t-shirt & jeans  · Slocum's Joe uniform  · Tunnel Snakes outfit

Fallout 4 Where to Get More Marine Armor Helmets

Source: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Marine_armor_(Far_Harbor)

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