I've been seeing the post-obit on a number of sites recently:

            $ drush @example.com sql-dump [...] Fault: Couldn't read status data for tabular array cache_admin_menu () mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `cache_admin_menu`': Tabular array 'examplecom.cache_admin_menu' doesn't exist (1146)                      


ergonlogic's picture

I've never seen this behaviour before:

                # mysqlcheck examplecom [...] examplecom.cache                                   OK examplecom.cache_admin_menu Mistake    : Table 'examplecom.cache_admin_menu' doesn't be condition   : Functioning failed examplecom.cache_block                             OK [...]                              

Odder withal:

                mysql> show tables like '%enshroud%'; +--------------------------------+ | Tables_in_examplecom (%cache%) | +--------------------------------+ | cache                          | | cache_admin_menu               | | cache_block                    | [...]  mysql> draw cache_admin_menu; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'examplecom.cache_admin_menu' doesn't exist              

ergonlogic's picture

It looks like this table got corrupted somehow:

                # ls -la /var/lib/mysql/examplecom/cache_* -rw-rw----  1 mysql mysql     8963 Oct 17 12:29 cache_admin_menu.frm -rw-rw----  i mysql mysql     8963 Nov 10 01:02 cache_block.frm -rw-rw----  1 mysql mysql   114688 Nov xiii 17:09 cache_block.ibd -rw-rw----  1 mysql mysql     8963 November 10 01:02 cache_bootstrap.frm -rw-rw----  ane mysql mysql   344064 Nov 13 17:xiv cache_bootstrap.ibd [...]                              

While cache_admin_menu.frm exists, its corresponding .ibd doesn't. I have no idea how this happened, merely that appears to exist the only table with this trouble. Removing cache_admin_menu.frm was sufficient to go the sqldump working over again.

mgifford's picture

So is this a code trouble or merely an issue with a corrupt table. If a decadent table then nosotros can probably close this consequence, right?

nerdcore's picture

Tin can this be explained by anyone?

                mysql> truncate cache_admin_menu; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'oc2014_t_D7.cache_admin_menu' doesn't exist mysql> testify tables like 'cache_admin%'; +--------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_oc2014_t_D7 (cache_admin%) | +--------------------------------------+ | cache_admin_menu                     | +--------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)                              

nerdcore's picture

I tried stopping MySQL and removing the files equally described in #2. This does indeed allow mysqldump to create a correct dump of the DB, yet I am unable to re-enable the admin_menu module:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table '"oc2014_t_D7"."cache_admin_menu"' already exists: CREATE Table {cache_admin_menu} ( `cid` VARCHAR(255) Not NULL DEFAULT '' Comment 'Primary Primal: Unique cache ID.', `data` LONGBLOB Aught DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A collection of data to cache.', `expire` INT NOT Zippo DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'A Unix timestamp indicating when the cache entry should expire, or 0 for never.', `created` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Annotate 'A Unix timestamp indicating when the cache entry was created.', `serialized` SMALLINT NOT Zippo DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'A flag to point whether content is serialized (1) or not (0).', PRIMARY KEY (`cid`), Index `expire` (`elapse`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT Grapheme SET utf8 COMMENT 'Cache tabular array for Administration menu to store client-side...'; Assortment ( ) in db_create_table() (line 2720 of /data/www/dm7/includes/database/database.inc).

Ace Cooper's picture

Cheers, had the same problem:

Base of operations table or view non found: 1932 Table 'stockopt2.opt_cache_admin_menu' doesn't be in engine: SHOW CREATE VIEW `opt_cache_admin_menu`;

#2 helped to solve my problem. After removing opt_cache_admin_menu.frm and restarting MySQL my ability to create backups is available over again.

pivica's picture

Aforementioned trouble hither, last dark cpanel backup reported

Dumping MySQL database d7 ..
.. dump failed! Error: Couldn't read condition information for table cache_admin_menu ()
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'bear witness create table `cache_admin_menu`': Tabular array 'd7.cache_admin_menu' doesn't exist (1146)

Just just a minute ago when I tried manual dump, mysqlcheck, etc everything is fine.

No idea is this mysql related trouble or admin_menu.

ergonlogic's picture

I only came across this aforementioned issue again. Thankfully Google brought me dorsum to this issue, as I hadn't seen information technology since.

Nosotros did experience some mysql issues recently, we suspect from poorly tested Boob code. But that said, cache_admin_menu was by far the most prevalent tabular array experiencing this issue. The only similar failure was for cache_rules, but an order of magnitude less frequently. Yet, this departure could simply exist due to the popularity of admin_menu on our sites.

masdzen's picture

disable admin_menu
uninstall admin_menu
i'thousand search #2 cache_admin_menu.frm file,
stop mysql
remove cache_admin_menu.frm file
kickoff mysql
install admin_menu
get error and press F5 =)

admin_menu work, "drush arb" also work!

Rob C's picture

Some other idea:

                mysql -u root -p Employ yourdatabase; Drop TABLE cache_admin_menu; CREATE TABLE IF Non EXISTS cache_admin_menu (   cid varchar(255) Non Nix DEFAULT '',   data longblob,   expire int(11) NOT Nil DEFAULT '0',   created int(11) Non Zippo DEFAULT '0',   serialized smallint(six) NOT Zip DEFAULT '0',   PRIMARY KEY (cid),   Fundamental expire (expire) );              

Related: #2160645: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base tabular array or view not found: 1146 Tabular array 'cache_rules' doesn't exist
Besides read: [#2097037]

I'k experiencing this on an old site i'm updating later a transfer to a new host back in January. Figured it had to do with the database dump from the transfer, but that wasn't the case. I am 100% sure this used to piece of work earlier June 2015. Got a drush ard with all tables from earlier June, and this site didn't receive whatever huge changes. And in my example the table didn't exist when i confirmed via mysql. And so i'one thousand kinda stunned, because the table is in an archive dump from May. Recreating the table fixed drush, so... to be continued. (mysql server update? or are tables getting to big?)

geresy's picture

thanks for the snippet Rob C. Tried everything, but this ane fixed the errors in about the missing table.

davewilly's picture

#10 worked for me thanks. I couldn't get SSH access on the host but managed to run the required queries successfully in PHPMyAdmin.

morybel's picture

Thanks Rob C #x worked for me after a lot of trial and mistake.

venkat-rk's picture

@Rob C, give thanks yous for the code snippet. Information technology helped me complete the migration of a Drupal seven.14 web site from ane cPanel server to some other that was beingness held up due to mysqldump failing with the error related to cache_admin_menu.

Your snippet besides looks a cleaner solution that #2 - I wasn't sure how safe it would be to delete files straight from the database directory.

truls1502's picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more than info)
Issue tags: +postponed2w

I am sorry for no respond until now.

In that location are many problems regarding this module admin_menu which is a bit difficult for us to follow up since some of the problems might be already outdated, or is already fixed by the module or whatever other modules or itself core which means that the trouble might no longer demand to be fixed.

We can see that the upshot has been created for a few years ago, I promise it is okay for you lot that I am postponing the outcome, and requite you around two weeks. If you still face the problem, could yous tell us the pace past step when until you lot get the error message or what is frustrated you, and a list of modules yous are using related to admin_menu and a screenshot that might assistance u.s.a.? So it makes the states easier to reproduce your issue.

However, after 2 weeks with no feedback - we will shut this effect. And so in case, you lot noticed information technology after the result is closed, exercise not hesitate to reopen it similar and fill information which is mentioned above.

And so earlier giving united states of america a feedback, do y'all mind to test information technology once again with our latest 7.x-three.ten-dev?

Thank you lot for agreement! :)

truls1502's picture

Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (cannot reproduce)
Issue tags: -postponed2w

This issue has been automatically marked as airtight because it has non had recent activeness later on the final post.

However, if you or someone is nonetheless facing the same upshot as described to the result, could you please to re-open the result by changing the condition of the issue, and add an explanation with more details which tin can help us to reproduce your situation.

Once again, thank you for your contributions.